Realize Band Surgery, Brooklyn NY

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During the gastric band procedure, the REALIZE Band is placed around the uppermost part of the stomach, dividing it into two parts: a small upper pouch and a lower stomach. The upper pouch can hold only about 4 ounces (1/2 cup) of food. As a result, you eat less food at one time, feel full sooner, and feel satisfied longer. The goal is to lose weight gradually, at a healthy rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week.

No part of your stomach is stapled or removed during surgery, and your intestines are not rerouted, so you can continue to absorb nutrients from food.

The degree of band tightness affects how much food you can eat during a meal and the length of time it takes for food to empty from the upper pouch. When the band is adjusted to the proper tightness, you’ll feel full sooner and stay fuller longer. As the REALIZE Band helps you eat less food, your body will stop storing excess calories and start using its fat supply for energy.

Advantages of Realize Band Surgery

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  • Relatively safe operation
  • Lower risk of serious complications
  • No stomach cutting
  • No stomach stapling
  • No altering of digestive anatomy
  • Easily adjustable to patient’s needs
  • Fully reversible (inc. laparoscopic removal)
  • Short hospital stay, usually less than 24 hours.

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Risks of Realize Band Surgery

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  • Band slippage/leakage
  • Risk of internal infection
  • Stomach pains after meals (over-eating)
  • Nutritional deficiencies during liquid diet
  • Reduced weight loss due to non-compliance with post-operative dietary and exercise guidelines

Other serious risks are associated with Realize Band Surgery. Please consult with your surgeon for a comprehensive bariatric evaluation.

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